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Menifee Valley Little League

Menifee Valley Little League

Menifee Valley Little League Local Rules
2024 Fall Season


A.     Field Preparations – The Home team is responsible for field preparation, when playing at Menifee Valley Little League fields, which includes the following if needed:

1.      Each team coaches shall inspect the field for safety purposes prior to the beginning of each game and insure their team has appropriate safety kits available.

2.      Field cleanup, which includes the dugouts and bleachers.

3.      Home team is responsible for providing an Official Scorekeeper and Pitch Counter.

4.      Home team of the last game is responsible for securing bases / pitching mounds.

5.      Home team is responsible for preparing, dragging and chalking the field.

6.        All Interleague games require MVLL coaches to prep, drag, and chalk the fields

*AII teams are responsible for these items regardless of playing field.


B.         Pitching Distance: Is measured from the back of home plate to the Pitching Rubber, 46 feet is the Distance for Farm - Majors, Intermediate 50/70- 50 feet, Juniors/Seniors- 60 Ft 6"

C.         All Coaches are responsible for maintaining a self-respectable decorum in and at games / practices at all times this includes insuring that parents and visitors of each team are also following the same decorousness at all times. Any parent, coach or visitor violating this rule shall risk being ejected.

D.         Menifee Valley Little League has a ZERO tolerance policy of ANY bullying/harassment towards players or from player to player. This includes but not limited to: Umpires, Parents, Visitors, Coaches, and Board members. Anyone with negative or insulting comments towards the Umpires (or anyone for that matter) before, during or after a game shall result in the game being stopped and will be ejected from the game, field, league and elimination of All Star coaching consideration. It also includes: any disparaging remarks about Menifee Valley Little League, Staff, Volunteers, and Officers. We know there maybe something’s that needs to be addressed or remedied. Please bring those concerns directly to the attention of the Manager Coordinator for rectification.



A.              Game Start: Each team is to provide 1 game ball a piece. Each team shall provide a 3 or 4 part Line-up completed prior to the Plate Meeting with the Umpire. The line-up must include First and Last Names, Jersey #, Position and League Age. All bats, helmets and Catcher’s Gear should be lined up outside the dugout on the fence before the start of the game for Umpire Safety Inspection. Only USA Baseball Bats are allowed in MINORS/MAJORS, Intermediate 50/70(USA Baseball Bats or BBCOR) & Senior Division (BBCOR ONLY) Rule 1.10.

B.                Scorekeeper: From Double A – Seniors the home team shall be responsible for providing a scorekeeper. The Scorekeeper must be over the age of 16 and shall not be a Team Parent. The league will provide the “Official Division Scorebook” from Double A – Seniors Divisions. The scorekeeper shall log the official start time from the umpire in the scorebook.


C.  Time Limits:

1.  T-Ball, 1 hour time limit

2.  Coach Pitch (Minor A), 1 hr, 15 minute time limit

3.  (Single A), 1 hr, and 15 minute time limit

4.  Double A, no new inning shall begin after 1 hr 30 mins drop dead at 1hr 45min

5.  Triple A no new inning shall begin after 1 hr 45 mins drop dead at 2hrs 

6.  Majors no new inning shall begin after 2 hrs*

7.  Intermediate no new inning shall begin after 2 hrs*

8.  Juniors/Seniors, no new inning after 2 hrs*

·  * Finish the Inning regardless if not a complete game.



D.  Inter-League Rules – General

These inter-league rules are governed by the rules set forth by D-28 Little League


*  Canyon Lake Little League

*  Murrieta National Little League

*  Temecula Little League

*  Wildomar Little League


1.      These inter-league rules shall govern all games played between all the leagues above.

2.      All efforts shall be made to reschedule games if not played.

3.     Any disciplinary action of a manager shall be the responsibility of that specific manager’s board of directors. However, the Presidents of the above leagues shall form a disciplinary /compliance committee to discuss the situation and make disciplinary recommendations.

4.      Home team will provide umpires.


E.  End of Season Division Placement AA- Seniors – Shall be determined by Regular Season Standings 1st, 2nd, 3rd & Fourth Place, etc.


F.  Division TOC Selection AA - Seniors - shall be a double elimination tournament at the end of the regular season. Winning team goes to Tournament of Champions District 28.


G.  Make-up Games: Major & Minor - Division Games canceled, suspended or called due to weather conditions, field conditions, lights, Safety, etc. which does not constitute a regulation game (Rule 4.10) shall be rescheduled for replay or completion at the Board of Director’s discretion.

H.  Umpire Assignments:

1.         The Umpire-In-Chief shall make all umpire assignments.

2.         A Manager or Coach, who umpires, shall not umpire their own divisions.

3.         Each team will be responsible for UMPIRING 3-4 REGULAR GAMES (depending on how many divisions)AND 1 PLAY OFF GAME; A division above or a division below where they play.

4.        Members of the same family of a manager, coach or player shall not umpire tournament games in the same division.

5.        A Junior Umpire that does not Umpire in the Regular Season cannot Umpire In-House Tournament at the end of the Season.

6.        Junior Umpires shall have an Adult Coordinator present at all games and require an Adult Board Member or Adult Umpire at Inter-League Games.

7.        All Adult umpires must have completed a background check and the Abuse Awareness training and Mandatory .Reporting training


I.         Scores: The Manager of the winning team shall e-mail [email protected] - the scores no later than 12:00 Noon the next day or may designate a Team Representative. Manager is Ultimately Responsible.

J.         Pledge: The Pledge of Allegiance and Little League Pledge shall be recited before all games, by all Divisions.

K.       Interpretations: Any dispute concerning the interpretation of these rules shall be decided by the Board of Directors as provided for in Article VI, Board of Directors, Section 5 - Duties and Powers, Of the Little League Constitution and By Laws.


L.       Trophies and Awards

1.  All Division’s shall receive participation trophies or Medals.




Refunds: There shall be no refunds allowed without Board approval. All refund requests will be issued by check. There is a non-refundable $3 service fee. See website for details.


Tobacco / Alcohol: All Local League activities, when youth are present, shall be tobacco and alcohol free including chew, vapes and e-cigs. Managers and Coaches shall subject to Ejection from a game if caught.


Background Checks: Little League requires that background checks be obtained on all volunteers.

I.D. Badges will be issued to all Board, Managers, Umpires, Coaches and Team Parents, and Umpires Badges must be worn in View at all Games and Practices and all Team Sponsored Events held in Public Settings. No one shall be permitted in the dug out with out a badge. All Trainings must also be completed for all volunteers.





A.  T-Ball Division Ages 4-6

T-ball is the introductory level. It introduces the basics of baseball in a fun, nurturing environment.



1.       Game time: 1 hour

2.       No wins or losses are recorded and the score is not kept or reported.

3.       Everyone plays defense, no one sits out (cannot force a kid to play either, get parental help!)

4.       Batting order is entire roster and can be changed each inning to allow different players to bat last and hit a ‘homerun’ (see #7)

5.       A tee shall be set on home plate. It shall be the at-bat team’s responsibility to remove the tee from the area should a play involve a player scoring.

6.       A player’s at-bat will continue until a fair ball is put in play. In addition to conventional foul balls, a ball hit less than 15 feet will also be considered ‘foul’ (Use best Judgment).

7.       Batters are limited to singles and base runners may only advance one base. The exception to this is the last batter each half inning where all players continue around the bases and score.

8.       Batters and base runners do not leave the field when they are ‘out’.

9.       Runners may not leave the base until the ball is hit. There is no stealing.

10.      A team’s turn at bat ends when all batters in the order have had an at-bat.

11.      No defender should be closer than the pitching rubber and teams are limited to two players in the Pitching Area. All other defenders should be at normal infield depth or further.

12.      Managers and coaches may stand near their batter or defensive players on the field. They shall not interfere with play.


B.  Coach Pitch (5-6 year olds that have played T-ball)



Coach Pitch (formerly known as Farm) introduces the following changes from T-ball:

1.       Hitting a pitched ball.

2.       When a batter or runner is out the player leaves the bases.

3.       Hits into the outfield can result in an extra base hit (double)

4.       Fewer infielders require more movement and teamwork.



1.       Game time: 1 hour, 15 min.

2.       No wins or losses are recorded and the score is not reported.

3.       No Stealing at all.

4.       Everyone plays defense, no one sits out (cannot force a kid to play either, get parental help!)

5.       Batting order is entire roster and shall remain the same for the entire game.

6.       Pitching will be done by the Manager or Coach pitching to his or her own team.

7.       Catcher may be played by a player, Manager or Coach; it is the team’s option. A player shall be in full Catcher Gear and should be wearing a protective cup. A manager or coach should back up the catcher to keep the pace of play appropriate. When the hitter is using a tee the catcher shall back up and provide ample room for the hitter. When the ball is hit from the tee the Manager or Coach should remove the tee from play to avoid a runner collision.

8.        Batters will receive five (5) hittable pitches. If the hitter does not put the ball in play on one of the five pitches then the batter shall hit off the tee.

9.        If the batted ball does not roll at least 15 feet forward in fair territory it shall be considered a foul ball.

10.    Batters are limited to singles and doubles if ball is hit into outfield.

11.    Runners are limited to taking one base on a batted ball to the infield but may attempt to take two bases if the ball is hit to the outfield.

12.    Runners shall leave the base until the ball is hit. There is no stealing.

13.    Neither the batter nor the base-runners can advance on an overthrow to any base.

14.    If a player is made out while batting or running the bases; the player returns to the dugout.

15.    There is no infield fly rule and there are no tag-ups on caught fly balls. On a caught fly ball runners shall return to their bases.

16.    A team’s turn at bat ends when all batters in the order have had an at-bat.

17.    A team may only play a maximum of six infielders with no more than one player playing defense as a pitcher. The pitcher must be positioned in the ‘pitching mound’ area. The remaining players must be positioned in the outfield.

18.    Managers and coaches may stand near their batter or defensive players on the field. They shall not interfere with play or touch a LIVE Ball. Multiple coaches are allowed on the field.


Farm is for advanced (generally 3rd year) 6-year olds and 7-year olds that are not ready for AA. It introduces the following changes:

1.         Inning ends at three outs.

2.         Hitters can strike out.

3.         Catcher position becomes a normal position.

4.         Players shall NOT advance on overthrows to first base.

5.         All extra base hits are allowed.


1.           Game time: 1 hr 15minutes

2.           No wins or losses are recorded and the score is not reported.

3.           Everyone plays defense, no one sits.

4.           Batting order will be the entire roster present and shall remain the same for the entire game. The order is continuous.

5.           A Coach or Manager can back up the catcher to keep the pace of the game.

6.           If the defense has 9 or more players then a player should be the catcher and should try to catch the ball and throw it back to the pitcher. A coach or manager can back up the catcher to keep the pace of the game appropriate.

7.           Every player SHALL play 1 inning of infield. MANDATORY

8.           Batters will receive up to five pitches. An at-bat is over when a batter strikes out swinging, puts the ball in play or has received five pitches with the exception that the batter is not out on a fifth pitch foul ball, an extra pitch is given.

9.           No bunting.

10.       A batted ball that hits the pitching machine or manager operating the machine shall be a dead ball. The batter will be given first base and any base runners shall advance one base.

11.       Batters and base runners may attempt extra bases on hits to the outfield. Unless the batter / base runner is more than halfway to the next base, the batter / base runners may not advance to the next base once an infielder / pitcher / catcher has possession of the baseball in the infield.

12.       Runners shall not leave the base until the ball is hit. No stealing.

13.       A two-out courtesy base runner is allowed for the next inning catcher at any time(LAST OUT).

14.       The batter and base runners may attempt to advance one extra base on an overthrow to first base only.

15.       There is no infield fly rule and there are no tag-ups on caught fly balls. On a caught fly ball runners shall return to their bases.

16.       A team’s turn at bat ends after three outs or five runs have scored or when their entire line-up has batted.

17.       Teams must have a minimum of eight players on the field. If a team only has seven players present then a player may be borrowed from the opposing team each inning to play in the outfield and provide the eighth player. A team playing eight players will play without a Center Fielder or Catcher and a coach will throw back the balls to the pitcher.

18.       A team may only play a maximum of six infielders including the catcher and pitcher. All additional players must be positioned in the outfield.

19.       The defensive pitcher must be to the side of the pitching machine within two feet. The pitcher should only move forward once the ball has been hit.

20.       The pitching machine should be set up directly in front of the 46 foot pitching rubber.


D.    “AA” (AA) Division

AA is for 7-8 year olds as well as less-experienced 9-year olds not ready for AAA. AA is the first kid- pitch level in which the game more closely resembles regular baseball. Umpires conduct the game,

official scorebook is kept, wins and losses are reported. Pitching Distance is 46 Feet. This division follows The Little League Rule Book with the following modifications/exceptions:


1.    Game time: no new inning after 1 hour 30 minutes. Drop Dead at 1hr 45min

2.    The batting order will be the complete roster. It will remain the same throughout the game.

3.    Rule 5.07 a Team's at Bat is over after the last batter in the line-up has batted regardless of runs or outs, otherwise a teams at bat ends after three outs or five runs has scored during the first 3 innings.

4.    During the first three innings a team’s at bat is over when "FIVE" runs Maximum have scored or three outs have been made. NOTE: If 4 runs have scored, and then a home run is hit only 1 run will count regardless of the number of players on base (5 Maximum). Beginning with the fourth inning runs are unlimited and no longer capped at 5. Inning is over when the last batter has batted. A Batter cannot bat twice in the same inning.

5.    Runners may advance to 2nd or 3rd base on a steal, passed ball pitch, but shall remain at third base until either forced in on a walk, or by a ball hit into play. No Leading off base.

6.    Runners shall not advance on an overthrow/missed ball on a steal attempt.

7.    There is no dropped 3rd strike in AA & No Stealing Home.

8.    10 Run & 15 Run Rule (See Rule Book).

9.     Pitch Count and Catcher limitations in Rule Book Apply. Pitch Count Logs shall be required to be maintained for every game and the entire season.


E.  Triple “A” (AAA) Division

AAA is for 9-10 year olds as well as less-experienced 11-year olds not ready for Majors. AAA is the second kid-pitch level in which the game more closely resembles regular baseball and prepares players for the Majors level. Umpires conduct the game, official scorebook is kept, wins and losses are reported. Pitching Distance is 46 Feet. This division follows the Little League Rule Book with the following modifications/exceptions:


1.    Game time: no new inning after 1 hour 45 minutes. Drop Dead at 2hr

2.    The batting order will be the complete roster. It shall remain the same throughout the game.

3.    Rule 5.07 a Team's at Bat is over after the last batter in the line-up has batted regardless of runs or outs.

4.    During the first three innings a team’s at bat is over when "Five" runs have scored or three outs have been made. Beginning with the fourth inning teams change sides when three outs have been made, runs are unlimited. NOTE: In the first “3” innings if four runs have scored, and then a home run is hit only one run will count regardless of the number of players on base. Inning is over when the last batter has batted. A Batter cannot bat twice in the same inning.

5.      There is no dropped 3rd strike in AAA.

6.      10 Run & 15 Run Rule(See Rule Book).

7.      Pitch Count and Catcher limitations in Rule Book Apply. Pitch Count Logs shall be required to be maintained for every game and the entire season.

8.      A 12 year old in AAA on a Waiver shall not pitch.


VI           Majors, Intermediate and Seniors - Play by Little League Rule Book – Will be CBO(Continous Batting Order) FALL ONLY




A)        A player shall wear a Catcher's Mask while catching for balls that are being batted or When Assisting a Manager at Practice at Home Plate or anywhere on the field when Batting Balls is Present or when warming up a Pitcher.

B)         No On Deck Batters in Minors & Majors, only permitted in Intermediate 50/70 & Senior Division.



1.  Parent complaints shall be communicated with the manager in one of two ways, either:

Option 1: The parent shall discuss the issue directly with the manager or manager coordinator. The purpose of this Grievance Policy is to foster open communication, without fear of retaliation, between the parent and the manager. The Board of Directors prefers that all complaints be handled in this manner if at all possible. The manager may or may not have been aware of the problem. The issue shall be discussed quickly in a courteous and in a positive manner. When approached promptly and in a calm manner, many problems quickly become non-issues and a higher level of cooperation and understanding is achieved. These discussions shall not take place in front of any children, other parents, nor during a game or practice. If the issue cannot be resolved directly between the parent and the manager, then the complaint shall be made electronically via (on line form or email) by the parent to the Player Agent. The Player Agent shall then discuss the issue with the manager. If the issue still cannot be resolved, or if it continues, the Player Agent shall bring the issue before the Board for resolution.


Option 2: In the rare circumstance where the parent would prefer to have a MVLL Board member present for the initial conversation with the manager, the parent may elect to write a letter to the MVLL Board of Directors. The letter shall outline the specific area(s) of concern, provide only facts, and not include any judgments or conclusions. Upon receipt of the letter the Board shall forward the letter to the manager to make them aware of the concerns. The Player Agent shall then schedule a meeting providing an opportunity for the parent(s), manager, and Division Director to all sit down together and attempt to resolve the conflict. This provides both the parent and manager an independent third party to help facilitate the conversation. It is expected that the manager and parent shall work together to facilitate a positive resolution


2.  If (and only if) the issue cannot be resolved directly through one of the two options outlined above, the issue shall be elevated through the Grievance Policy outlined below.


Formal Incident Report

3.  If a complaint is not resolved by the above process, the parent can file a formal complaint in writing with the President. Any improper behavior at games, practices or league events by ANY manager, coach, player, Board of Director, umpire, or spectator shall result in an Incident Report being filed with the League President. Any manager, coach, or Board of Director shall submit an Incident Report to

the President for review of improper behavior: Our form is online under the “League” tab. Or Scan this QR Code and file your complaint.


A.  The name, telephone number and email address of the person filing the complaint

B.  The name of the person against whom the complaint is filed;

C.  The nature of the complaint;

D.  The relevant dates and locations;

E.  The desired resolution.

C)         At a game, No Adult Can Warm Up a Pitcher, during Pre-Game Warm Up or in between innings.

D)         Players shall not allowed to hold a Bat while in the Dugout.

E)          After a Batter hits and leaves his bat near Home Plate it shall be retrieved by a Player wearing a helmet. Managers and Coaches are not the Batboy.

F)           No Infants or animals in the Dugout. No exceptions!

G)          Only Three Adults are allowed in the Dugout. They can be - the Manager and Two Coaches, One Coach and a Team Mom or a Background Cleared Parent.

H)         At least one Adult shall always be in the Dugout when the Players are present.

I)            All Accidents resulting in any injury shall be reported to the Board ASAP. No Later than the next day for Minor injuries and Immediately for anything requiring an Ambulance or Emergency




1.  The Manager shall always have in their possession at games and practices:

a.  Player Registration Forms

b.  Medical Release Forms

c.  First Aid Kit

d.  Accident Forms

e.  Current Team Roster

f.  Ice Pack, frozen water bottle, or bagged ice in the team ice chest


2.  Actions required in the event of an injury to a player, manager, or coach:

a.    Evaluate the injury – care of the injured becomes the priority. The nature and severity of the injury will direct your course of action, including the need to call for emergency services (911).

b.    Prepare an accident Report Form. All injuries, however minor, shall be reported. Notify the Safety Officer via email with incident form within 24 hours.

c.      Care and treatment for an adult is equally important, however, an adult can consent to or decline medical treatment.

d.    Little League requires a Doctor’s Medical Release to play in the event of any injury regardless of where or how the player was injured if such injury prevented the player from participating in Little League baseball for more than 3 sequential events (games, practices, etc.).

e.    CONCUSSION PROTOCOL – Follow the Little League prescribed concussion protocol for any injury that includes the head or neck area.

f.     Only Players, Managers, and Coaches with approved background checks shall be allowed in the dugouts or on the field. No parents or siblings are allowed in the dugouts/fields.

If food or drink is required for the player, the parent shall be required to take it to the scorekeepers table and he or she will notify the umpire. No parent is to speak through the fence or gate to any player, coach, or manager or umpire.


Incident Report Forms are available in the Manager binders and on the website in the Safety tab



The action of the Compliance Committee shall be final unless the person against whom the complaint is filed decides to appeal the Committee decision to the full MVLL Board. If so, the person must appeal by written request to the President of the MVLL Board within 48 hours of receiving the decision of the Compliance Committee.



The MVLL Board President shall schedule the appeal for the next regularly scheduled board meeting (a minimum of 72 hours notice is required). The President shall Chair and conduct the appeal in the same manner as the Disciplinary Hearing (above). A final decision will be made by majority vote of all board members present at the meeting. The President shall issue letters to both the person against whom the complaint was filed and the person who filed the complaint, within 48 hours of the hearing informing that person of the outcome. This decision shall be final with no further appeals.



Retaliation shall not be tolerated. The purpose of this Disciplinary Policy is to foster open communication between the volunteers who manage/coach the teams and the league participants. Communication between managers/coaches and parents must be able to occur with no fear or concern of retaliation. Retaliation is defined as an observed change in playing time, position, batting order, or disposition. All concerns of retaliation shall be fully investigated by the Compliance Committee. If the Committee determines the player has been subjected to retaliation the manager/coach shall be suspended indefinitely.



All complaints, resolutions, determinations, findings, and disciplinary letters must be retained by MVLL and passed on to the President of the incoming Board. Records will be destroyed after 3 years of the final decision.


Menifee Valley Little League, EST 1991 League No. 405-28-13

26025 Newport Rd Suite F 457

Menifee, California 92584

[email protected] 

4.  The Process

The Executive Committee shall review the complaint within 48 hours of receipt to see if the complaint has merit and if it should be reviewed at a grievance hearing.


If the complaint has merit, the Vice President shall convene a meeting of the Compliance Committee giving the committee members at least 48 hours notice of the meeting. The Compliance Committee shall be comprised of the Vice President (as Chair), and 3 Board Members. The three members selected must not be involved in the incident in question and shall be impartial with no conflicts of interest shall the manager/coach/player/Board of Director/umpire/spectator being brought upon the Committee.

a.   If the complaint does not merit a hearing, the Vice President shall notify the parent in writing why the complaint was dismissed. The complaint dismissal action of the Vice President shall be final unless the person who filed the complaint decides to appeal the decision to the full MVLL Board. The appeal shall be by written request to the President within 48 hours of the dismissal by the Vice President (see “Right to Appeal”).


5.  The Disciplinary Hearing –


a.       Both the person filing the complaint and the person against whom the complaint is filed, may produce witnesses to speak on their behalf (no children witnesses). The witnesses shall provide their written statements to the Chair no later than 24 hours prior to the hearing.


b.     The Committee shall hear testimony in the following order:

i.  The parent filing the complaint (10 min max);

ii.  Witnesses for the parent (2 min each);

iii.  The person against whom the complaint is filed (10 min max);

iv.  Witnesses for the person against whom the complaint is filed (2 min each).


Statements should be recorded by the Secretary and shall only address the issue at hand and not reference any past accusations or violations, if any. Only facts may be presented, not assumptions or preconceived conclusions. No questions shall be allowed during testimony. After the statements are made, the Chair may allow questions from Committee members. The parties shall then be dismissed.


c.  After the parties are dismissed, the Compliance Committee shall then discuss the case in private and reach a decision as to the imposition of any disciplinary action by majority vote. The Chair shall issue a letter to the person against whom the complaint is filed as soon as practical after the decision of the Committee, informing the person whether the complaint was dismissed, if there will be disciplinary action, or know the issues raised in the complaint were resolved by the Committee. The person filing the complaint shall also be promptly informed in writing of the Committee’s decision.



6.  The Disciplinary Committee shall impose sanctions as follows:


a       Dismiss the action without sanction; b     Written warning from the Chair;

c        Suspension from one or more games or practices; d    Recommendation against post season positions; e   Removal from League position;

f                One year suspension from League

g              Recommendation for criminal prosecution or civil action.


Menifee Valley Little League
26025 Newport Rd Suite F457 
Menifee, California 92584

Email: [email protected]

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